by Franne Sippel
2022 02.08 CHILD USA Ch 11 Bankruptcy Testimony
Athletes First!
The Beijing Olympics opened with spectacular ceremonies including many beautiful children smiling away as they danced and posed. Why so many children? Because China with its world stage wants to shift attention away from its one-child per family policy to its new policy of encouraging three...
2022 02 01 UT HJR 4 Testimony
In The News – 2022
IN THE NEWS-2022To see a yearly archive of CHILD USA in the news, click a year from below «No es justicia, es negocio»: Los Boy Scouts y diócesis de EU usan la bancarrota para no pagar a víctimas de abuso. Kristina Cooke | diciembre 30, 2022 Los legisladores de todo Estados Unidos han...