by Kimberly Ann Priest
2023 01.27 ND SB2282 (final)
Stop Prioritizing Powerful Institutions and Focus on the Safety of the Children
By Liz Goldman, 1/29/2023 Liz Goldman, M.D., is a board-certified psychiatrist specializing in women’s mental health care and currently serves as a Clinical Associate faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Goldman’s story has been told in the film Silent No More. This blog was...
Evidence-based Rebuttal in PA
CHILD USA SB1 PA Testimony_1.20.23_final
CHILD USA The Respect for Child Survivors Act (S. 4926) One Pager (1)
Keep the Window Constitutional Amendment on Track Despite the Politics Surrounding the House Speaker
RELEASES & ANNOUNCEMENTS LET'S END CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECTMEDIA RELEASE June 11, 2024 CHILD USA reorganizes for impact. A statement from the CHILD USA Board of Directors Philadelphia, PA -- CHILD USA is pleased to announce that it is consolidating its operations by leveraging its...