CHILD USA filed this amicus brief in support of Plaintiff-Appellant challenge to the lower court's ruling that victims of sexual abuse are limited to filing only a single Child Sexual Abuse Act (“CSAA”) claim under New Jersey’s two-year revival window, and that all other common law claims based on...
FINAL FILED DOE v. OFFRAY Amicus Curiae Brief – ChildUSA[29263]_watermarked
6.16.22 Best SOLs (AH)
Gretchen Carlson – The Barbara Blaine Trailblazer Award
Gretchen Carlson had no inkling that she would ignite a movement when she sued Roger Ailes, then chairman and CEO of Fox News for sexual harassment in the workplace. In fact, she thought she would be sitting at home crying her eyes out for the rest of her life, having lost the career in which...
CHILD USA Makes Its Mark in Federal Legislative Reform
CHILD USA has been making considerable strides in advancing the civil rights of children through advocating for federal legislation since 2016. In 2022, CHILD USA together with its sister organization, CHILD USAdvocacy, has been working with federal lawmakers to enact laws that will better protect...
Marci CLE September
Jo-Ann Taylor v. The Devereux Foundation, Inc., et al.
CHILD USA, together with the National Center for Victims of Crime, filed this amicus brief in support of Plaintiff-Appellant challenging the lower court's ruling that reduced the jury's verdict on punitive damages to the maximum amount of $250,000 allowed under state law. CHILD USA argues that...