Direct Reporting Prevents Child Abuse

Direct Reporting Prevents Child Abuse

This guest blog is co-authored by experts in mandatory reporting of child sex abuse. Dr. Franne Sippel, EdD is a Licensed Psychologist and co-owner of Northern Plains Psychological Associates in Aberdeen, SD and co-host of the mental health podcast, Shrink Rap the Podcast. She serves on the...

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Criminalization Of Sex Trafficked Youth

Criminalization Of Sex Trafficked Youth

Written by Sarah Bousquet Sarah Bousquet is a CHILD USA Research & Development Intern.      Children victimized and exploited by sex trafficking deserve to be protected from further traumatization. Vulnerable children are targeted by predators and are forced into sex trafficking across the...

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Why I Started CHILD USA by Marci Hamilton

Why I Started CHILD USA by Marci Hamilton

Why I Started CHILD USA by Marci Hamilton CHILD USA was born in academic curiosity and the pain of children sexually abused.   I was brought into the clergy sex abuse cases twenty years ago after the first window to justice was opened in California.  At the time, I held the Paul R. Verkuil Chair...

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