SOL Reform
A 2023-24 SOL Reform Snapshot from CHILD USA

A 2023-24 SOL Reform Snapshot from CHILD USA

Written on December 14, 2023, by Marci A. Hamilton, Founder and CEO, CHILD USA 2023 has been a good year for child sex abuse (CSA) statutes of limitation (SOL) reform, but not a banner year.  Here’s a quick rundown of the SOL picture right now. In 2023, as you can see in our SOL Tracker, 15 states...

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The Respect for Child Survivors Act Becomes Law!

The Respect for Child Survivors Act Becomes Law!

By Bridget Brainard, Staff Attorney at CHILD USA. Bridget is a Staff Attorney at CHILD USA. In addition to conducting legal research and policy analysis in the areas of child sexual abuse, human trafficking, trauma-informed judicial training, abuse in youth sports, and educational neglect, Bridget...

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