Watch This Movie about Richard Sipe

Watch This Movie about Richard Sipe

I just saw the movie Sipe: Sex, Lies, and the Priesthood. It is about Richard Sipe, an expert on the Catholic clergy’s abuse of children. Sipe was a psychologist and a former priest, who used his expertise to help children and to try to hold the church accountable for its misconduct. This moving...

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Death of Roger Goudy – President and CEO of AAU

Death of Roger Goudy – President and CEO of AAU

Introduction Sarah Powers Barnhard is a former elite youth athlete who was repeatedly sexually assaulted by Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) coach Rick Butler. In 2018, Sarah and five others filed a class-action lawsuit against Butler for sexual abuse. In response to the sexual abuse allegations...

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Arizona’s Window is Closing on December 30, 2020

Arizona’s Window is Closing on December 30, 2020

The revival window which gives all survivors of child sex abuse in Arizona more time to file lawsuits for their abuse is closing soon. Survivors who are currently over age 30 only have until December 30, 2020 to file their previously expired civil claims, and then unfortunately, their claims will...

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