Jo-Ann Taylor v. The Devereux Foundation, Inc., et al.
September 15, 2022
Supreme Court of Georgia
No. S22A1060
* Court Acceptance Pending

CHILD USA, together with the National Center for Victims of Crime, filed this amicus brief in support of Plaintiff-Appellant challenging the lower court’s ruling that reduced the jury’s verdict on punitive damages to the maximum amount of $250,000 allowed under state law. CHILD USA argues that Georgia’s cap on punitive damages is unconstitutional. Uncapped punitive damage awards are essential in child sex abuse cases, and a cap subverts the purposes of civil litigation to hold responsible entities accountable and prevent future abuse.

2022-09-07 - Brief of CHILD USA and NCVC as Amici Curiae - Taylor v. Devereux - FINAL (watermarked)