Jul 21, 2023 | SOL Reform
CHILD USA wrote this amicus brief in support of Plaintiff-Appellant arguing that blanket governmental immunity is inconsistent with the legislative intent in passing New York’s Child Victims Act....
Jun 16, 2023 | Bankruptcy Reform, Child Sex Abuse, Clergy Abuse
CHILD USA together with CHILD USAdvocacy, The Center for Child Policy, The Kempe Foundation, and the National Center on Sexual Exploitation wrote this brief in support Plaintiff’s Motion seeking to unseal the deposition testimony of Lawrence Hecker, a known...
May 26, 2023 | Institutional Liability
CHILD USA wrote this amicus brief in support of Plaintiff-Appellant arguing that considerations of foreseeability and public policy demand a duty be imposed on educational institutions to compel them to act in furtherance of their child protection responsibilities...
Mar 13, 2023 | Child Sex Abuse, Clergy Abuse, First Amendment
CHILD USA together with theĀ Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, Zero Abuse Project, Oregon Abuse Advocates & Survivors in Service, National Crime Victim Law Institute, and The National Center for Victims of Crime submitted this amicus brief urging the Court to deny...