What about the children? And what about child protective service workers?
CHILD USA is heping to distibute PPE to Child Protective Service Workers during COVID-19
Thank You Ford!
CHILD USA partners with Ford during the Pandemic to aid front-line child protective service workers who are putting their lives on the line to prevent child abuse and neglect!
CHILD USA applauds the Governors of every state mandating families stay at home at this time. This is an absolute necessity. We also thank the front line healthcare providers risking their lives for all of us to get through this horrific pandemic.
Sadly, it is also a dangerous time when children are not seeing mandated reporters like teachers, doctors, dentists, and even police, as I discuss here. Now, more than ever, the children in homes with severe likely abuse and neglect need state child protective services workers to continue at-home visits. They are essential!
The problem is that these workers have not been receiving personal protective equipment, or PPEs. CHILD USA is doing everything it can to assist in making sure that home visits can continue safely for all involved. There are offices where 5 workers are sharing 2 masks, and some child protective service workers have died from COVID-19 already.
The good news is that Ford Motor Corp. is providing face shields to CHILD USA to distribute to front line child protective service workers who are putting their lives on the line to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Thank you Ford!
There are so many unsung heroes in this difficult time, and CHILD USA salutes the child protective service workers who have bravely continued to conduct home visits in cases of severe abuse or neglect of a child. We hope that the face shields we receive from Ford will provide a meaningful measure of protection.
If you are a home-visiting front line worker for your state’s child protective services, and you would like a face shield, please contact CHILD USA at
Thank You Thriving Not Surviving!
CHILD USA is partnering with the nonprofit Thriving Not Surviving during the Pandemic to aid front-line child protective service workers who are putting their lives on the line to prevent child abuse and neglect!
CHILD USA applauds the Governors of every state mandating families stay at home at this time. This is an absolute necessity. We also thank the front line healthcare providers risking their lives for all of us to get through this horrific pandemic.
Sadly, it is also a dangerous time when children are not seeing mandated reporters like teachers, doctors, dentists, and even police, as I discuss here. Now, more than ever, the children in homes with severe likely abuse and neglect need state child protective services workers to continue at-home visits. They are essential!
The problem is that these workers have not been receiving personal protective equipment, or PPEs. CHILD USA is doing everything it can to assist in making sure that home visits can continue safely for all involved. There are offices where 5 workers are sharing 2 masks, and some child protective service workers have died from COVID-19 already.
The good news is that the nonprofit Thriving Not Surviving is providing masks to CHILD USA to distribute to front line child protective service workers who are putting their lives on the line to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Thank you Thriving Not Surviving!
There are so many unsung heroes in this difficult time, and CHILD USA salutes the child protective service workers who have bravely continued to conduct home visits in cases of severe abuse or neglect of a child. We hope that the masks we receive from Thriving Not Surviving will provide a meaningful measure of protection.
If you are a home-visiting front line worker for your state’s child protective services, and you would like a mask, please contact CHILD USA at
CHILD USA is Collecting Data During COVID-19
Survey for School Employees
CHILD USA is collecting preliminary data from school personnel on the safety and education of children during this pandemic and results will be used to inform policy and improve education, well-being, and service-delivery to youth.
Highlights from CHILD USA’s Webseries
WATCH: CHILD USA describes the risks to children during the COVID-19 era
WATCH: CHILD USA is concerned about the aftermath of the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders on child well-being
Weekly Blog: COVID-19
Promoting Child Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Professor Autumn Kujawa, Ph.D. | August 24, 2020
Autumn Kujawa, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Development at Vanderbilt University and a licensed clinical psychologist with a focus on the development and treatment of mood and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. To learn more about her work, see
If Kids Were at the COVID-19 Policy Table…
By Marci Hamilton | May 18, 2020
By Katrina Yearicks | May 11, 2020
Yearicks is an Ambassador with ChildUSA working on reform in the family court system. She is a child advocate, a mother of three girls, and a survivor of a complete systematic failure to protect her children. Yearicks is a licensed nurse, US Navy Veteran, and licensed massage therapist
Unintended Consequences for Children of the COVID Shut Down
by James Dwyer | May 4, 2020
James Dwyer is Professor of Law at the College of William & Mary, where he teaches Youth Law, Family Law, and other subjects. Among his many books are Homeschooling: The History and Philosophy of a Controversial Practice (University of Chicago Press 2019) and Liberal Child Welfare Policy and Its Destruction of Black Lives (Routledge 2018).
The Coronavirus Pandemic wreaks havoc on survivors seeking justice under the CVA but it will be worse for survivors who have not yet come forward unless the CVA is extended by Jeff Herman | April 13, 2020
Jeff Herman is a nationally-recognized trial lawyer and advocate for survivors of rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. He is a trailblazer in the representation of victims of sexual abuse, devoting 100% of his 25 years in practice to the cause. He believes that empowering abuse victims is the most important part of representing them. Victims of rape, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation from all over the United States seek Jeff out to represent them in civil lawsuits.
COVID-19’s Deleterious Effect on Child Sex Abuse Survivors and the Critical Need to Pass a One-Year Extension of New York’s Child Victims Act by Jennifer Freeman | April 6, 2020
Jennifer is an attorney, barred in NY and Florida, with the Marsh Law Firm, representing approximately 600 victims with child sex abuse claims under New York’s Child Victims Act.
Statute of Limitations (SOL) Summary in Our New Normal by Kathryn Robb, Esq. | March 30, 2020
Kathryn Robb is a lawyer, legislative advocate, and law instructor who has been fighting to pass meaningful child sex abuse legislation for 14 years in multiple jurisdictions. As an outspoken survivor of child sexual abuse, Kathryn continues to use her voice to implement common-sense legislative change.
A Call to Action: Children Are at Heightened Risk of Abuse During the COVID-19 Crisis by Professor Marci A. Hamilton , CEO, CHILD USA PDF Version | March 23, 2020
Coronavirus, Children, and the Common Good by Professor Marci Hamilton, Founder and CEO CHILD USA | March 19, 2020