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There Is an Antidote to the Politics that Endanger Children

Marci A. Hamilton | September 15, 2016

With that as the foundation, we really should be able to do better. Instead, lawmakers are increasingly the unaccountable power-grabbing people the Framers warned us about. And nowhere are our elected officials failing more spectacularly right now than in the case of child sex abuse.

The good news is that there is an antidote, and the people need to administer it.

The Demographic Both Party Platforms Missed: Child Sex Abuse Victims

Marci A. Hamilton | July 25, 2016

The wild ride of this year’s presidential election has left many looking for landmarks that will guide their choice for the next president. One place to figure out who stands for what lies in the 2016 Republican and Democratic Platforms. So I decided to explore how each party deals with children.

Statute of limitations reform advocates call NY ‘national shame’

Laura Bult | May 2, 2016

New York is “a national shame” when it comes to getting justice for victims of child sex abuse, say people who helped change the antiquated law in other states. The Empire State lags behind states like Georgia, Massachusetts, Florida and Utah, all of which in the past several years have passed bills that lengthened the time victims have to bring their cases to court.

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