by Leslie C. Griffin* You have probably read more about abuse and abusers in my last four blog posts than you believed was even possible. It is an exhausting list. Yet there are still many more cases before us, even now, in 2024. As the statutes of limitations change, new cases begin in...
Who is Watching Out for Those Children?
This blog was written by Mauri Rapp, CHILD USA's Content Manager, after her Q&A with Dr. Paul Offit on the importance of child immunizations, the alarming trend of anti-vaxxers, and how education is the key to ensuring the safety and health of our children. Dr. Paul Offit is the Director of...
Arthur Baselice Jr.’s Story
Arthur’s words stand out. They pull you to the truth, and – like his demeanor – command attention, instead of demanding it; his words have a simple logic the grief behind them never will. T
The United States Must Build on the Decline in Child Poverty and Join the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child
Child Trends recently released a study finding that, between 1993 and 2019—a span of only 26 years—the number of children living in poverty in the United States was reduced by more than half (59% to be exact).
Statutes of Limitation: What They Are and Why They Matter to CHILD USA
At CHILD USA, we fight for the rights of children to be free from child sex abuse (“CSA”) through legal reforms that hold individuals and institutions accountable.
One Thing That Governments Must Do to Prevent Child Sex Abuse and Exploitation: To Mark the First World Day for the Prevention of, and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence
We are here today on this first World Day for the Prevention of, and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence, united by our shared passion to save the world’s children from sex abuse and exploitation.
Impacts of the Dobbs Decision on Children: Teen/Child Pregnancy
Impacts of the Dobbs Decision on Children: Teen/Child Pregnancy Cowritten by Sarah Bousquet – Research & Development Intern and Social Science Director – AJ Ortiz This past June, the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson overturned both Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey...
“Don’t Say Gay” Laws Are a Threat to the Health and Education of Children
This post was co-authored by CHILD USA Executive Director Jillian Ruck and Carter Timon, MBDS. Florida has led the way, but other states are following suit, introducing “Don’t Say Gay” bills that unfortunately make children’s needs second to culture war politics. It is time for school...
Maine Supreme Court Blocks Justice for Survivors, Strikes Down Revival Window
In 2021, the Maine State Legislature passed a landmark law creating a permanent revival window for previously expired child sex abuse (CSA), child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and trafficking claims. This law removed procedural barriers that had long prevented survivors from seeking justice...